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November 19, 2020

Joseph Kowalczyk _ By Time and Toil We Sever


Joseph Kowalczyk (b. 1980, U.S.)
By Time and Toil We Sever, What Strength and Rage Could Never
glazed porcelain, stoneware and wood, 32" x 19" x 7", 2020

Joseph Kowalczyk exhibited at Anno Domini in April 2014 with his solo show Millions of Colors in the Shadow.

About the Artist
Joseph Kowalczyk (Ko-väl-chick) is an award-winning sculptor and painter who has been showing and creating his art in the California Bay Area since 2003. Along with his studio practice, Joe teaches ceramics, fixes kilns, and with his wife, co-manages a fine art gallery/studio space within the Oakland “Art Murmur” district.

Posted by Anno Domini


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