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December 7, 2010
Able Brown _ US
Able Brown was born in Bisbee Arizona, and lived for a time in San Clemente California, then Manasquan New Jersey, there developing a lifelong addiction to the ocean, then landing in Brooklyn, where he gets into the Atlantic at least three times a week.
He records odds and ends and visions and jokes, into his little notebook, then gives them true life with acrylic, watercolor, wood and paper. He has been doing such a thing since he translated a fingerboard idea from a page of his Math homework onto his first painted fingerboard back in the 80’s. He will continue to do it. Nothing will stop him. Unless of course you can promise a lifetime supply of avocados and Hawaiian coffee. Then, just maybe then, he will stop. Until then, he will keep at his Contemporary Pictographs of a freaky civilization doing it’s thing.
He has shown artwork at the OKOK gallery, the ADA gallery, V1 gallery, Gallery Anno Domini, The Riviera gallery, Cakeshop gallery, Marcia Wood Gallery, Grotto gallery and at the Fleisher/Ollman show curated by Will Oldham. He has published artwork in Arthur, Faesthetic, Gigantic, tinyvices.com, daytrotter.com and Oxford American magazine. He has also done record artwork for Precious Blood and Bonnie Prince Billy.
Posted by Anno Domini