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March 13, 2020

Yasushi Matsui _ SKRAPS _ debut solo exhibition

“SKRAPS” is a print collection of sketches by Yasushi Matsui from his travels through the San Francisco Bay Area, Humboldt, Clear Lake, Tahoe, Yosemite, East Sierra, Los Angeles, Death Valley, Joshua Tree, Las Vegas, Hawaii, US Virgin Island, Puerto Rico, Nevis, Mexico, Taiwan, Philippines, Indonesia, and his home country of Japan.

Since 2016 Matsui has documented his daily life with ink and watercolor on scrap paper found along the way and bound in hand-made sketch books. In keeping with DIY Zine culture, these original drawings are scanned and printed with a home printer on hand-crafted Japanese Washi paper (a process Matsui learned under the tutelage of Chuji Ooshiro, an elder master papermaker in the Atago region of Tenryu, Shizuoka).

The illustrated recollections of Matsui’s journey is a singular print edition, placed within hand picked thrift store frames and presented as an iconic Zine that transcends chronological time and cultural geography giving us an incredible overview of experiences the artist chooses as noteworthy enough to document for posterity.

Yasushi Matsui (b. 1982)) is a painter based in Oakland, California. He has been honing his skills in drawing and painting over the past two decades through live painting at events and festivals, murals, commissioned illustrations, and collaborating with a variety of artists and fashion brands.

SKRAPS at Anno Domini is Matsui’s debut gallery solo exhibition.

Exhibition dates: February 7– Aprill 11, 2020

Questions and /or purchase inquires may be sent to: rEvolution@galleryAD.com

Posted by Anno Domini


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