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September 13, 2024

Rafal Karcz _ Live at Buff Hall _ Solo Exhibition


Live at Buff Hall Works and Outtakes 2020-20224
Rafal Karcz (Poland) solo exhibition

ANNO DOMINI is proud to present a rare solo exhibit of Karcz' unique photography originating from Krakow, Poland.

When viewing this series, one feels as if we were an unobserved bystander in a music club where everyone else seems to know each other. His experimental approach to chemical processes after film development causes Karcz' images to feel lush, hazy and often times confusing.

Karcz captures the raw energy of Krakow’s underground music scene with a poetic eye and destructive / creative processes that transports us to a liminal space between reality and haunting, dreamlike visions. ~Anno Domini

** Purchasing Art Work **

• We accept all major credit cards, Paypal and Bitcoin.
• We are happy to ship anywhere in the world.
• Purchased art work is promptly shipped to the collector within 10 days of show closure.

You may also click the "purchase now" link for immediate purchase.

Purchase inquiries or request for additional information of the art work may be sent through the "Inquiries" link beneath each post, or by email: rEvolution@galleryAD.com

~ Anno Domini

Posted by Anno Domini


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